Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Dryer Is Broken....

Oh goodie.... The dryer bit the big one. Now what?
Well I was complaining about it being broken at my daughter Emily's Birthday
(Happy 19) dinner Saturday night. And my awesome brother was listening (he works at a furniture store) and told me they had just repossessed one that was 2 months old. Would I be interested?? Mind you I went and looked at new ones with my sister Friday. The cheapest I could find for a front loader was $700. Oh my god it's going to cost me $1400 for a new set. I know I've had mine for 15 plus years, but don't those things last forever?? Well I guess not.. So my kind brother told me today that they have a matching washer at his store to go with the dryer, but it's new. So he's checking the price for me and getting authorization for him to buy it at his employee cost. Which will be cheaper then $1400. But it's still going to set me back a good penny..... I guess I'll be on a stamp diet for a bit, but will be able to do laundry at home. Maybe with the new washer I'll save some money on the water bill!!! They are both suppose to be Energy Efficient. We'll see!!
We are still working on our wood pile too, but can actually park in the drive way now. Needless to say I had no time to make anything this weekend... Thank goodness I have Wednesday -Sunday off. Maybe I'll be able to do some crafting.
So have a great day!!!

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